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One Hope Farm's Story

One Hope Farm is a family-owned farm set on six acres of beautiful, peaceful Butler County land located on Route 4 between Middletown and Monroe Ohio. Our work is to support, protect, and care for the natural world and to inspire people with a celebration of creation and with hope for the future.


As a Preschool Educator (Nancy) and Pastor (Ron), the Taulbees have always had a heart for building relationships and meeting needs within their community. In 2018, the couple started on a new adventure--caring for God's creation by beginning a small farm with chickens, ducks, a baby pig, a couple of friendly goats, and two loyal Great Pyrennes. After a few years of caring for their little farm, they began fostering additional farm animals who could no longer be cared for at their home and needed a new place to reside. Beginning in 2022, the Taulbees decided to take the farm on the road and share what they have learned about God's creation with others through their mobile petting zoo, educational experiences, and many other types of animal encounters!


Mission and Aspirations

The name of our adventure: One Hope Farm, is inspired by the biblical account of creation and how God created everything for His glory to remind creation of the Creator. We have One Hope as His creation, which is found in trusting and believing in the Lord as our Savior. One Hope Farm hopes to point all visitors to the Creator as we celebrate His love for us and remind others of our responsibility to care for His creation.


“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”

Genesis 1:31, KJV


For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else.

Isaiah 45:18, KJV


​We want to create an environment with One Hope Farm encounters that fosters a celebration, wonder, and exploration of all of our guests, employees, and volunteers. We want to encourage and motivate the current generation and those after it to think about living sustainably and protecting the environment through education and a community approach.


Our History

Founded by Ron and Nancy Taulbee in 2022, we’re a proud family-friendly farm in Butler County. The farm was established in 2018, with the start of a small chicken coup, a baby pig, a couple of friendly goats, and two loyal Great Pyrenees, and has grown into a large farm of chickens, ducks, guineas, turkeys, rabbits, potbelly pigs, goats, sheep. cattle, and a donkey. We regularly host family-friendly mini petting zoo encounters, personal and interactive educational experiences, and various other events and services in the surrounding area. Book one of our many adventures to celebrate with One Hope Farm yourself!


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